How to Eat Healthy When on Business Trips or Work Dinners

When we are at home, it is easy to pack whatever we like, make whatever we want with the food that we have at home. But, when we go away on business, or have an obligated work event, it can be tricky to be healthy when it seems like the only food options are unhealthy processed foods.

Just a reminder here though, if you are someone who consistently eats their vegetables, fruits and has cut out major sugar and refined food options, its not going to affect your body as much if you eat on the unhealthy side for a few days. With that being said, it can still make you feel worse than usual if you do have to eat that way for a bit when what you’re used to are whole foods.

Here are a few of my simply tricks and tips to eating healthy when it seems impossible:

  1. If you already know beforehand what the food options will look like, you can more easily prepare what you will be eating or if you need to pack yourself any food.

  2. Most of the time we have to travel when going on a business trip, and there is nothing worse than eating bland over-salted airplane food that leaves you feeling bloated and tired when you land. If you can, try to pack yourself some food that is easy to travel with. For example, a sandwich with some fruit, a powdered smoothie (is okay through security), or some oatmeal (you add the water later).

  3. When you’re on the plane, try to drink water as the air in planes is dehydrating and can make you feel sluggish.

  4. If you have access to an airport lounge or cafeteria, try to get some fruit to eat on your way.

  5. If you’re going out for work dinners with the freedom to order what you want, try to start with a green appetizer. This will help balance your blood sugar after the meal helping you not to crash later in the night or the next morning.

  6. If eating food at a preordered event, try to get a side of salad, or vegetables.

  7. If you have some time to go out on your own, or there is a convenience store nearby, get yourself a green juice or some easy to eat fruit and snacks that you can keep on you.

  8. I you have time in the evenings, or after lunch try to go for a quick walk. Any movement even just 10 minutes is great for balancing blood sugar and keeping your hunger levels stable.

  9. Try to skip the caffeinated sugary drinks and go for water or a green tea for energy if you can.

And remember, this is only for a short while so don’t stress if you can’t find something you would normally categorize as healthy and take it as an opportunity to try and eat things you might not normally.

What tips and tricks do you use when going out for work? Comment below!


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