Yogi Wisdom: The Case for Doing Nothing
Yogi wisdom for the week stems off of my current studies of the Yoga Sutras particularly Brahmacharya. While this traditionally means to practice celibacy, it can also be interpreted as the indulgence of our senses. Meaning that we let ourselves over indulge, over stimulate and eventually over tire ourselves over things that we should be able to control ourselves over. To translate this into modern times, I am particularly referring to how we spend our time and our lives.
What is one thing that we look at more than the people that we love? Our screens and everything that they capture and hold our attentions with. We look at our screens while we are working, watching television in our free time, and it’s even how we spend our time doing “nothing.” I’m not saying that we should ban screens out of our lives forever as they have simplified so much and make our lives easier. I am proposing we use our screens when we need to, as well as some scheduled time on our social medias as a treat. I am also proposing the case for doing nothing. Not nothing and sitting on the couch and drowning the thoughts with external stimulation. But really nothing.
This is hard to do. But how often do we really truly do nothing. Even people who are super busy and claim they have no time for anything else in their lives can carve out five minutes to do nothing. Let’s even say two to start with. For two minutes first thing upon waking up, step outside onto your balcony or garden and close your eyes. If the sun is out enjoy feeling the sun on your face and if it’s still gloomy and dewy out, enjoy the silence of the air around you. Simply sit (or stand) with yourself for two minutes. Eventually you will be able to work yourself up to longer but let’s stick with two for now. You will feel more refreshed and you will even be able to go into your day stronger and more awake than you would have had you stared at your phone or checked your emails for the first two minutes upon waking. It doesn’t even have to be in the morning. Simply take a few minutes out of your day whenever you feel you need it and are zoning out the world of screens.
Easier said than done, I know, but let’s try together and you’ll be one step closer to being a yogi :)