BIFIDA—What is That And is it REally That Important?

We’ve all heard of the importance of maintaining a healthy gut bacteria by now and the healthy bacteria-filled food we should be consuming to feed it. But do we really know what this bacteria is, what we should be looking for exactly and how to make sure we’re eating the right kinds?

One of the best ways to feed your healthy gut bacteria is from yogurt, specifically whole milk yogurt, but there is still one step further that we can go to make sure were getting the right kind of bacteria. When you look at the back of a yogurt cup and find the nutrition label, you can see listed in the ingredients all of the specific strains of bacteria that is included in that yogurt. however, not all yogurt brands have the same amounts or even the same types of bacteria.

Bifidus bacteria is a probiotic that is generally added to yogurt after it has already been fermented, however there are only a handful of brands that include this strain. Bifida is great for regulating the digestive system, boosting the immune system, helping ease symptoms of IBS, as well as being a key factor in helping individuals who wish to lose weight. This probiotic helps with feeling full after eating, and can promote a healthy gut environment that is optimal for weight loss.

Bifida bacteria is really important in maintaining a healthy immune system and is a good marker for health, and according to recent research, low levels of bifida have even been linked to certain autoimmune conditions and disease, such as Type 1 diabetes. Eating yogurt with added bifida will help increase this good bacteria in the gut, but in order to maintain it we need the right nutrients and vitamins from our food. Vitamin C and D help feed this bacteria and keep the gut flora flourishing. Getting your hands dirty, literally with dirt, also helps introduce good bacteria into your gut. Meaning, if you like gardening, get out there and do it!

Bifidabacteria is so beneficial for a healthy gut microbiome and can even help strengthen the immune system, help with digestive issues and even provide a good environment to aid in optimal weight loss. Make sure to choose yogurts with added bifida in them as well as supporting your gut maintain a good gut bacteria by eating whole foods that have vitamin C and D, and not forgetting to get your hands dirty from time to time!


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