Yogi Wisdom: How Your Thoughts Can Change Your Life
Each one of us have their own path in life. We are all living in our own little bubble with our own thoughts and feelings and emotions. We might all be living in the same household, work together in the same office everyday, or even be in the same family hanging out together everyday, yet we all experience life differently. What is the difference then between these people that seem to share lives and thoughts? It’s us. We are all different and the thing that makes us different is each of our abilities to see the world in a different way.
Why does it seem that certain people just have every bad thing happen to them that could possibly happen, while other people seem to glide through life with ease and come out the other side successful (whatever success may look like in your eyes) and happy. This is because our experiences and lives are made up of memories and our thoughts. That’s all we are! We might all experience the same exact events in life, but our thoughts change our memories around them which changes our outlook on life, which eventually ends up actually changing our life!
Let me give an example. There are two people—they both have the same circumstances, the same amount of savings, the same amount of bills they have to pay, the same everything. Perhaps person A and B both get fired at work. Person A goes home lies in bed and tells themselves that the world is over, they are stupid, they can’t do anything. They stay this way for weeks until they decide to look for another job. This person has more difficulty finding a job because they don’t believe in themselves. They tell themselves everyday that life is not going to work and that everything is bad. And guess what happens, life starts going bad. They get in an accident, they can’t shake it off. They tell themselves over and over again that they deserve this. They end up unknowingly manifesting their bad life.
Person B has the same things happen. Except, they simply talk to themselves a different way. They tell themselves that everything is okay and that with all their new time they have, will simply start that side hustle they’ve been dreaming about for years. They make a plan and they tell themselves that everything is great. They tell themselves that they can do it and they envision their dream life over and over again. They take their setbacks as an opportunity to do better and become better. They don’t give up. The same accident happens to Person B. They shake it off and take that time waiting at the car shop to get things done, they are grateful that they are okay and that things could have gone a lot worse. They go home and are happy to see their family. Everything is okay. They start manifesting their dream life.
These are two different people with the same exact events but two very different outcomes. We all have the power to have our dream lives and to manifest everything that we want in life. The only difference is our mindset. Our mindset has the power to change our whole lives. While this may be hard to do or seem silly. Just give it a try! The good news is that it is quite simple and anyone can do it. The next something happens to you that might have brought you down in the past, simply change your thoughts around it.
Say Person A stubs their toe walking to the kitchen. They scream and yell and curse that everything happens to them and then they start thinking about all of their mistakes and bad choices in life. Person B also stubs their toe walking into the kitchen except they simply acknowledge that it hurt, because let’s be honest those toes are sensitive, but they don’t even think of it again a minute later. Because everything is okay! It’s just a table that we stumbled into.
This goes for everything in life—it can all change based on our mindset. Get into the habit now of changing your thoughts to change your life. You are stuck with your thoughts in this life, and no matter how hard you try to drown them out with TV and social media, they will always creep back in. So do you want your life to be filled with wonderful memories and great thoughts that lead to success and happiness? Simply start seeing the positive even when it seems hard. It will all be worth it—its all for you!